Maybe it's just becoming a pattern for me that I feel like crap at the start of everyday, and start to feeling better as the day progresses. Only two hours since my woe-is-me blog post have passed, and I'm already feeling lifted spirits! I called MACEE (although all the lady with the American accent told me is that I can ask all my questions at my appointment on 26th January), I spoke to Dr Andrew again ("I'm starting to panic! Do you think I can do Honours and GRE at the same time?!") to which he reassured me that I could, I've been speaking to some of my friends who did Honours to see how heavy the workload is (maybe it's not as bad as it's made out to be!), and I spoke to Cynthia's friend Cathryn who did her Masters at the Oklahoma State University and took another standardized exam called GMAT (for business grad schools).
Talking to more people about the grad school process helps a lot, and I guess at the start of each day my head is so filled with a hundred new questions I dreamt up overnight, and then as time passes I realise, for some reason, things are always painted to be much worse than they really are. Googling about the GRE and reading panicked comments in each blog-about-GRE-post kinda brought me down last night, I started at maybe 10pm and kept reading feverishly until like 3am ... guess I tap on to negative emotions too easily. :( Need to be more positive. Bleargh. Perpetual struggle.
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