Sunday, 2 January 2011

New apps!

Happy New Year! :D

With the new year comes new beginnings - among them lie shiny new apps to be discovered! :D Skype's launched a new video calling element that trumps even FaceTime, and I discovered a bunch of photography apps that are really useful!

1) Camera Plus:
The iPhone/iPod camera doesn't have a timer, which is a drawback when it's kinda hard to click the touchscreen snap button when you're taking pics of yourselves :P Solution: download the Camera Plus app! It has a whole bunch of stuff like an easy zoom and a 3-second timer :)

2) Photo Mess:
This is a really cool collage app where you can pinch, pull, magnify, shrink, turn, rotate, basically MESS with any photos you want :D

Which makes it easy to make cards for birthdays or anniversaries! And also to blog about stuff when you've left it to expire in terms of timeliness.

The MySimplifieds Community Meet-Up I attended with Rena :) My first "roadside nasi lemak" adventure, and a peek at what actual networking events are like! And sat through my first auction :D

Went for sushi and shopping with Carmen and Bei Yan a couple of weeks ago :)

Other noteworthy photography apps: Colaroid Cam PRO (which is free only until end of this month!) and Fun Camera by iToyToy.

My other basic photography apps are MoreLomo, LomoLomo, SuperCamera, OldPhotoPRO. And for editing pics, it's gotta be Phototreats, Color Splash (or Color Effects, both apps have the same purpose), PS Express and Fisheye4Free! Polarize and PictureEffectMagic are also cool. FlashForFree is great for the predecessors of the iPhone 4 because previous models didn't have the built-in flash yet!

The best part? All the apps I mentioned are FREE! :D