Seeing how seldom I have the time to blog, I'd better blog about the past three months before I forget and the next half of the year blurs with this one. Here are the highlights of the past three months of my life! :D
1. Star Wars
Darren and I watched all six Star Wars movies! He'd already watched them before since he's a Star Wars fan, but it was my first time watching the older movies. I finally understand the whole story, haha! Also, I bought a giant Storm Trooper balloon from H-E-B to scare Darren with.
2. House parties
The Malaysian-Singaporean community in Austin is awesome, and I've been to several parties and meet-ups with them. :D The food is always amazing!
3. Cirque du Soleil - Kooza
Darren got us tickets to Kooza for Friday night date night this weekend! It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time because of all the death-defying stunts. We were on the edge of our seats and squeezing each other's hands most of the time, especially when one performer almost fell off the tightrope!
4. Handmade cards
I've been making a lot of cards to send to my friends around the world. It's a lot of fun! I ask them what their favorite cartoon character is and draw it.
5. International Sailor Moon Day
The fact that there's such thing as International Sailor Moon Day makes me so happy. Haha. Darren and I went to the convention in Austin and this was our loot!
6. Super Sailor Moon SH Figuarts
My new favorite toy. Early birthday present from hubs. :D I also ordered a Figma archetype, which is my early birthday present to myself. That will only arrive at the end of the year because it's made to order from Japan.
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