When I woke up, I stared at the clock. Blinked at it. 9.16am.
Then - SHIT! Class started at 9am!
Scrambling here and there and everywhere - and texted three friends in the process with "OMG! I'm gonna be late!" - I managed to topple into the classroom at approximately 10.20am. Nearly one-and-a-half hours late to a two-hour lecture!
Only to hear good ol' Mr Jeswant go:
"Okay, before we wrap things up for today ..."
Anyway, thank goodness he wasn't mad. I think he thought it was kind of funny. And embarassing (for me). Well, my friends laughed anyway. LOL. And at least I didn't miss class altogether! The thought didn't even cross my mind. :D Better late than never mah!
I'm not surprised I overslept, although I'm surprised to have overslept. Is that confusing? Haha! I only finished my Policy essay at half past three in the morning, and then stayed online YouTubing and helping Jung Ai with her essay until well past 4am. :P It probably makes sense that I couldn't wake up at 7.40am like I was supposed to.
OOOH and I got back my group assignment for International Studies today! :D May Yen, Tharshini and I did it on women's rights and gender inequality in Malaysia (in terms of how globalisation has affected this topic) - and guess what! We got full marks! LOL!! I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true! I'm still in shock. When we got it back, I thought it was 20 out of 25 - turns out it's 20 out of 20! :D :D :D
PS: Guess who won American Idol! :D I love this person!! Click here for the answer (not revealing it in case you haven't watched it yet!).
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