Biker jackets!
Yeahhh, I'm not edgy enough to pull off the black leather type, but this comfy, sweet, casual one sure suits my floral dresses! :D Also, I got inspired by this post on An Olive A Day the other day :) I already have a denim jacket which I've been using all the time since I was 17, but a biker jacket is pretty different!

Denim biker jacket, Forever 21 :)

Zipped, unzipped, sleeves up, sleeves down - plus a thick cotton sash for extra fun! :D
PS: Watched "Marnie" (1964) last night :P My favourite Hitchock film so far!

I think I've had Hitchcock overdose this semester, but I gotta give him credit for making disturbing yet interesting films :P Our compulsory media text was Psycho (1960), but I also watched The Birds (1963) and Vertigo (1958) to get to know Hitchcock better ... LOL.

Fun fact: Lady Gaga actually makes allusions to Hitchcock's films in her song, "Bad Romance"! :D
Ooh, final note - just realised my fourth Malaysian Mirror article was published yesterday! :D Click HERE to read it! Click already! :D
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