Nasi lemak has never looked this beautiful to me. LOL!

My best friends also developed an immediate love-hate relationship with my New Love too! Love because they LOVE seeing themselves in pictures and videos :D Hate because I was too busy taking pics and videos that I wasn't paying attention to them :D
Shang: Sha-Lene got a new camera.
Weiyan: I can see that.

One of Jung Ai's funniest poses for the camera LOL. We had a presentation today (me, Calyn, Jung Ai) for journalism :D And thus I donned my yellow blazer, Jung Ai a sexayy striped outfit and Calyn a gorgeous flowing white floor-length skirt. With sports shoes. We are totally Arts students inside out! :D
Also pictured: people in neon-coloured get-ups on campus today (I still dunno what was the occasion!)

Tutorials from a new angle.

Moments captured on film. That's Jocelyn, the new friend I made today :D

Indoor lighting: Library | My room (no daylight)
Apart from my newfound obsession with my newest
While she's rubbing shoulders with our Angkasawan (hehehehehehehhe! She did say her job is to "meet people" after all!), I will be in my journalism tutorial. :P
Aaaaand then Shang and I are popping by Forever21 for a couple of minutes to check out their rumoured sale. Yes, the grande halls of Monash University are filled with whispered rumors of retail sales. :D
Also spent Tuesday night watching Hitchcock horror films. Am now traumatised with fear of birds and heights :(
PS: The video quality of the camera is awesomeee, but it doesn't look so great when I uploaded the compressed version to YouTube :P Oh well!
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