Monday 18 October 2010

O come, all ye faithful.

It's always hard to say goodbye to a faithful companion. Its comrades before it have fought long and hard battles - Ericsson the First encased in baby blue with that antique green-and-black screen, Sony Ericsson the First in a plum shade of purple and a toggle that gave in after five years of toil and toggle ... and Sony Ericsson the Second, my bundle of joy in metallic pink.

The things we've been through together since November 2008, my friend. You bore witness to my ecstatic text messages to friends and family about my first newspaper interview, received my first Monash exam results before anyone else, phone conversations with old friends, faraway friends, new friends, good friends, beloved family members; photographs that my camera never captured ... ups and downs that no other object, animated or non-animated, would know the complete picture of except for you.

Our parting is premature, but you will be going into the good hands of a new owner who will appreciate you. I promise I'll visit. :)

And I'll never forget you, my faithful friend - Sony Ericsson the Second, my bundle of joy in metallic pink.