Do minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years always flutter by? Sometimes it feels like one lifetime isn't enough to live, but sometimes it feels like an accomplishment just to get to the end of the day.
It feels like just yesterday when I was sitting cross-legged on the kitchen floor waiting for my grandparents to chew durian for me before I could swallow it, because I didn't have teeth yet and I wasn't grossed out about sharing saliva with people. It feels like just yesterday when I was sitting between Bryan and Jonathan in Cik Suraini's Standard One class and making them promise not to leave me alone because it was the first day of school and I was so nervous.
It feels like just yesterday when I met Tse Mun, she was the new girl in school who transferred to SKDJ in Standard Three, and back then only one new student would transfer each year, and everyone had their cliques already but I always loved making friends with the new student each year. It feels like just yesterday when Eugene called me on my house phone - yes, there once was a time kids didn't have cellphones yet! - and asked me out on a date, the very first boy to ask me out, and we were 13, and I was so nervous.
It feels like just yesterday when hanging out with An Nie in college everyday was my favourite part of matriculation year, when we would explore new restaurants and visit our favourite ones at least once a week, and lunchtime was fun-time. It feels like just yesterday when I got the exam results I needed to get into law school, and I was so excited because I was 100% so sure that I was going to be an upcoming young lawyer someday. It feels like just yesterday when I crumbled under the pressure of law school and discontinued at the end of 2nd year, leaving my friends and a lifelong-planned path and falling into a state of shock and disappointment and loss and confusion for months before I found hope again in Monash University.
It feels like just yesterday when I went to my first class, and met Anusha, my first new friend in Monash. It feels like just yesterday when I met Dr Yeoh, and Dr Andrew, and Shangari and Santushi and Jenny and Jung Ai and Alicia and Rene and all the people that made 3 years in Monash count for more than I could've imagined in the year:matter ratio of things. It feels like just yesterday when I graduated, and thought my journey with Monash had ended, only to realise I needed Honours year and went back. And all this makes me wonder, what will today count as tomorrow's yesterday, or in the years to come?
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 days ago
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