Monday 23 March 2009


9am to 6pm days at uni are, simply put -


Anyway, just a few hours ago I realised something very important (to me). I have found that my life has been gradually, but steadily, consumed by something very hazardously immature (which I will not mention specifically here, so as not to influence you too) and very, very stupid. Like, High School Stupid. Hereinafter "HSS".

Here I am, four years after leaving the petty land of superior-eye-rolling schoolgirls and glorious early-morning backstabbing, peer pressure and bullying - and I've found myself witnessing the very same thing happening on a certain outlet of expression (which I of course will not name here, just like how I didn't name the site that ripped off my advertising arrangement).

Name and such things are, thankfully, irrelevant.

The point is - I allowed myself to even bear witness to such HSS. Ugh. As disgusted as I am tempted to feel at the perpetrators of HSS, I have to look inward and see the blame in myself as well. No-one forced me to go and "witness" the HSS. It was solely on me. My bad decision.

It stops now. I will not waste anymore of my time with such utter HSS.
I am far too old for it.

It's time to grow up! :)


yen said...

hey sha-lene! how are you doing? hardly bump into u in uni. oh well, abt ur HSS thing, though i dont know who you are referring to or what actually happened, i still believe it happens all the time.

i myself, have personally experience that even in monash itself. haha. oh well. i think u are being smart to make it stop right at the moment u want it to stop

p.s. i have always enjoy reading the things u write, like your essays even during school times.