Sunday 9 August 2009

Alas, Ye Rookie Days!

When I was fifteen and a rookie in the school yearbook's editorial team, the head of my department liked to joke that I had the "Midas touch" that could turn the dullest of articles into gold.

Cheh wahhhh.

Unfortunately, like Midas, I also have the hand of destruction. When I was seven, I drowned an onion plant. When I was nine, I broke the house cordless phone. When I was twelve, I broke the tap in the kitchen. When I was thirteen, I broke the doorknob. When I was fourteen, I accidentally set my mother's sewing machine into smoke in the middle of my Kemahiran Hidup project. When I was eighteen, I broke my spectacles. When I was nineteen, I broke the laptop's mouse. When I was twenty, I broke the toilet bowl's flushing handle. Three weeks ago, I accidentally ripped the straps off a brand new dress. Today, I broke one of the strap holders of my denim maxi dress. :(

Luckily Mummy can fix it. :)

They really ought to send me to the prison of thingbreakers. Good thing I'm getting an outfit with the ultimate jailbird design. :D

Courtesy of Leeza from Tasty Cherry Chapstick

Part payment for advertising. :D And this tank top doesn't look breakable.