I miss school.
That was the library desk where Shangari and I worked on our film project :)
Not school like primary school with corrupt and power-hungry teachers. Not school like high school where you had to put up with bullies because you were stuck in the same class as them all year. Not that there aren't any bullies on campus (there are). There were bullies in law school (but I guess that came with the territory, lol) and I guess there probably are bullies in Monash.
But one of the greatest things about being in uni is that you don't have to hang out with people you don't want to. With hundreds of people on campus, why would you have to speak to the people who are totally mean to you? Can't say the same about Lost School (which was pretty much like high school, bullies included).
Anyway, I digress. I miss school. I miss the awesome friends and the funny lecturers. I miss the fact that practically everyone is a "Dr" with a "PhD" behind his/her name (especially in the Psychology/School of Medicine building), but you'd have to go to Sunway Medical Centre if there really was a medical emergency. I miss the too-cold lecture theatres, the annoying boxy microphone that Dr Yeoh passes around during lectures to force you to speak into it, the biannual theatre productions with free soya bean drinks and Tuesday guest lectures that we're always "strongly encouraged to attend". I miss the student film screenings (not that I've been to any in all my 18 months of studying in Monash - but I will next semester! :P).
I miss standing in line at the Finance counter in the first week of semester to pay my tuition fees and waiting for the girl in front of me to finish her argument with the Finance people about how her salary still isn't ready yet (soon to be me, I guess, since Monash still hasn't issued my paycheck for the Research Assistant stint I did in 2008/09). I miss the irritating student council elections in the second half of every year. I miss parking in the RM2 parking bay because I'm permanently afraid of the "free parking area" where that damn monkey tried to kill me.
I miss carrying an insanely heavy bag filled with books I never use all day. I miss borrowing a dozen library books for an essay, only to sometimes never use any of them. I miss the endless assignment deadlines and the next 3 weeks of waiting for your assignment to get graded and returned. I miss the cafeteria and its RM1.50 nasi lemak. I miss the little old lady in the cafeteria that casts that doleful gaze at you until you cave and buy her nuggets.
And if the day didn't go so well, I miss the peaceful drive home after a long day at school. I miss my eco-friendly friends. I miss discussing the possibility of co-writing a book about the analogy of potatoes re racism and equality. I miss the occasional after-school specials that sometimes involve smashed chicken in Sunway Pyramid.
The view from the Room Behind The Curtains.
This weekend is my last weekend working at Ace Phsyiotherapy & Wellness Center. January's gone by pretty quickly, hasn't it? Working is pretty fun, but the hours are so long that a weekend feels like an entire week. So my conclusion: I'm really grateful that I'm still a student. :D
It's really boring towards the end of the day, when there are no clients.
Sometimes, it gets so mindlessly boring that I make my colleagues do funny things, like:
I got Vino and Shavinder to draw their dream houses. :P
To make up for the colleague abuse, of course, I got them all farewell gifts. :D Besides an astrology book that Vino wanted to borrow from me (and I'm just gonna give it to her) - I went on a spree in Tesco (I Love Tesco!) and bought them coffee, instant noodles, and biscuits. :D Okay, so they may sound like really lame presents to you, but the little things in the office totally matter! :) Sometimes, they are so busy that they don't even have time to go out and buy food to eat (and they can't just buy them in TTDI Plaza, coz the food there is kinda expensive if you were to eat there everyday).
And while I'm in the reminiscent mood for people and things I miss, I had a healthy dose of TGIF's Jack Daniel's Glazed Ribs (YUMMY so YUMMY!) and BFF Tse Mun! :D
Me & Tse Mun in FOS - fitting room :P
My favourite maxi dress | Pink top from Cotton On :D
Despite my don't-feel-like-buying-anything phase (including turning down the black fringe bag I was supposed to get, and taking cash instead :D), I bought a pink top from Cotton On. It was on clearance (RM29, down from RM59) and I thought it was very in-the-spirit-of-CNY. :D
Tomorrow: Chic Pop bazaar at TTDI Plaza :D Will totally go during lunch break!
Wednesday: Tiger Woohoo! Hopefully I can get tix. :)
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