On the eve of Maxi Dress Day ...

With some of my best friends, Carmen & Denise! :) We crashed at De's house.
Denise - back from Down Under, and a biosomethingsomething graduate! :D
A studded black top from Carmen and me as a graduation present! ;) I told her "Studs are totally "in" now" and De has the cheek to say, "No no, Australian fashion is totally different from Malaysian fashion. They wear like florals and stuff ..." :P
Carmen's birthday present from me - a blue kimono dress! :D
Aaaaand on Maxi Dress Day, I was supposed to go out with Tse Mun (my BFF since way back when!) to watch Avatar in 3D but she got really sick. So Carmen wanted to go watch Avatar, so I picked her up to go watch it anyway. :P
3D glasses! RM18 for 3D movies, flat rate. But must try lor! :P
Avatar was AWESOME. But watching the 3D version wasn't worth it - I think I'd recommend the ordinary 2D one any day. :) It's so much cheaper and you don't really need the extra "effects" - it's not that obvious. I can't wait for Avatar 2 and Avatar 3!!
Oooh as for something that's already started, American Idol is back with Season 9! :D I've missed it SO MUCH! I'm thrilled that AI is back, and I've picked my first favourite already. :D :D 24-year-old Luke Shaffer from New York, from today's Episode 1 from the Boston auditions. He got through to the next round. Yay!

He looks better than in this photo. :P
American Idol is showing on ASTRO, Channel 711 (Starworld) every Wednesday and Thursday at 6pm. :D Reruns at 8pm. And GLEE starts next week! :D
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